Sandy Raines and her husband Ron Cadieux have made a generous $50,000 donation to life-long learning in New Albany. Their contribution will help the new McCoy Center for the Arts to flourish in its mission to provide ongoing education and cultural programming for local school district and community. The Center plans to launch the week of February 19-24, with a spectacular schedule showcasing student and community performers. Join in the fun!
Tuesday, February 19: Reception and tour for New Albany teachers, staff, aides and administration
Wednesday, February 20: Formal Dedication of the Jeanne B. McCoy Community Center for the Arts
Thursday, February 21: School Showcase featuring New Albany student performers from grades 6-12
Friday, February 22: School Showcase featuring New Albany student performers from grades K-12
Saturday, February 23: Opening Gala Fundraiser featuring Tony Award winning singers and actors of the stage and screen, Patti LuPone and Mandy Patinkin. Ticket purchase information will be announced at a later date.
Sunday, February 24:New Albany Shines finale showcase featuring individuals and performing groups from the community
The overall mission of the Center is the vision that all children should have exposure and direct access to education and the arts. This vision is being realized thanks to the many generous donors to the endowment. To date, over $6 million has been pledged.
Sandy Raines started The Raines Group in Columbus in 1998. Sandy is the number one agent for sales volume at HER Real Living and The Raines Group has been awarded such honors as 2005 "Best Overall Marketing" by the Wall StreetInstitute of Luxury Home Marketing.
Please contact Sandy or Ron for more information about the new performing arts center or for New Albany real estate information.