Our founder & CEO, Sandy Raines spoke with Amy Landino of the Detail Therapy Podcast about positivity, affirmations, and living in the present.
Sandy’s success in real estate can be traced back to the way she was raised and her unique mindset. She emphasizes a synergistic approach to connecting with her clients in order to help them find success—no matter what that looks like to them.
Throughout her journey, Sandy focuses on staying positive and staying present. Give the podcast a listen to get her full experience, but we’ve included some highlights below.
It All Began with a Mindset
Sandy’s first job was working at an inner-city school district coaching students. Her job was challenging, and the challenges increased with her students, who questioned her on why she was there. She knew their bad attitudes would be a challenge, so she set out to instill positivity in them.
This began slowly, with her offering rewards for team work, participation, and enthusiasm. Over time, her students began to respond to her teaching methods. They began participating in class, dressing out for gym every day, and performing to their full capabilities.
Sandy’s experience in education gave her an important perspective on the value of team work, connecting to others, and using a positive outlook to inspire the same positivity in others.
“I’ve Never Seen This Before.”
After years of teaching, Sandy transitioned to a role as a flight attendant. On one particularly difficult flight, Sandy decided to do things a little differently. When every passenger boarded, she looked them in the eyes and said “Welcome aboard, I’m glad you here.”
At the end of the flight as guests disembarked, they all had smiles on their faces. A gate attendant rushed to Sandy and said “In my thirty years of working here, I’ve never seen something like this. Every passenger is saying this was the best flight of their lives. How did you do that?”
Sandy focuses on positivity. By putting out positive energy, she knows that you can cultivate a positive energy into the environment, and the people, around you.
The Importance of Affirmations
Affirmations are an important part of The Raines Group. In the podcast, Sandy goes into how they’ve helped her shape her mindset.
“Take a positive affirmation and write it down ten times a day twice a day. The key is writing it down. That way, you’re involving all of your senses. This pushes the affirmation down to your subconscious.”
Internalizing positive affirmations is the best way to shape your environment, and the energy around you, and shift it to be positive.
Listen to the Podcast
There’s so much more we want to go into, but we highly recommend listening to Sandy’s guest appearance on the Detail Therapy Podcast. She shares important stories from her life, and her career in real estate, that contain valuable information to a life worth living.
Have any questions about Sandy’s journey in real estate, or any questions about buying a home in Columbus? Give us a call today. We’re here to help.