Columbus Area Real Estate: Schools Important Factor in Buying a Home - Central Ohio Real Estate Blog
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Columbus Area Real Estate: Schools Important Factor in Buying a Home

When buying a home, the property itself is of course important, but the neighborhood and its related school district is for many  with children of equal importance.

With school districts and standards changing all the time it is becoming increasingly important for parents to keep abreast of latest developments, boundary changes and reports. Like every parent you want the best education for your child and finding out information ahead of time is the best way to be prepared and informed when it comes to decision time. The general area is famous for claims to possibly the first Kindergarten as well as the first middle school in the country.

Our website, has a section dedicated to information on local schools. In addition to this great resource there are other local govenment websites that list details for the local school system. These include the general Columbus area and the local New Albany area websites.

Of course your local Real Estate agent also holds a wealth of local knowledge and information which will be of use to you, after all they live and work in the communities that you are considering purchasing a property in. For Real Estate advice in New Albany or the surrounding area please contact Sandy Raines today.