Of course one of the first goals you want to achieve is actually getting someone interested in your home. Creating curb appeal has long been the traditional way of doing so. However, curb appeal does not now start when potential buyers pull into your drive, it starts on the internet. Your property has to have decent photographs on the internet and MLS system.
Let’s face it, eye catching pictures sell homes! If a buyer likes what they see they will keep looking, which is where the next point comes nicely in. DETAIL! Everywhere a buyer can cast their eye is an area which needs to be checked to make sure it shows your home in the best light. In a competitive market your home has to compete with alot and home staging is an option many people choose. However, even simple items which are just simple jobs to carry out can mean alot – simple DIY tasks which you never go round to really can matter, if you have a leaky faucet, to you it could just mean a trip to the hardware store and a replacement washer, to a buyer it could mean – do I need a new sink?! Not the right start.
As for clutter – this was covered previously on our blog – the simply rule is, de-clutter! de-clutter! declutter! Also make sure that the house is clean and tidy and that there are no unwanted smells in the kitchen – "eau de last night’s chilli" does not bode well with buyers.
Just by following these simple steps it can help you get top dollar for your property and hopefully find a buyer quicker than the competition.
If you are considering purchasing or selling a property in New Albany or the surrounding Central Ohio communities then please contact The Raines Group today for professional Real Estate advice and assistance.
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